Wood Floor Mount Closet with Shoe Storage in Baton Rouge, LA
Custom Closet in Grey with Drawers and Hanging Rods in Baton Rouge, LA
Wood Closet with Shelving in Baton Rouge, LA
Custom Wood Closet Shelving for Pants in Baton Rouge, LA
Custom Shelving for a Closet Storage System in Baton Rouge, LA
Custom Jewelry Storage in a Wood Closet in Baton Rouge, LA
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Men'sShoeStorageforWalk InClosetinBatonRouge,LA
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Inspired Closets

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Cost: $5,000-10,000

Installation: 1 day

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"Inspired Closets was very efficient, professional, unbelievably neat, and delivered more than I expected. I was absolutely thrilled with the finished product. I would highly recommend utilizing this company with your closet needs!!"


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